Getting started

Obtaining an API Key

  • Go to your uploadfast dashboard.
  • Create an API key by clicking add new key.

After activating your API keys, you may begin using the service.

Either by calling the API directly or with SDK’s for your preferred language.

Remember, your API key is private, keep it safe.

Using the API Key

To authenticate your requests, include the api-key header in your request.

api-key: YOUR_API_KEY

Sample request in Node js.

const response = await fetch('', {
 method: 'POST',
 headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    'api-key' : {process.env.UPLOADFAST_KEY}
 body: {} /* Formdata object with your file in there */

Using the Javascript SDK

  • Install the SDK
pnpm add @uploadfast/client
  • Access uploaded files.
const fast = createClient({apiKey: UPLOADFAST_API_KEY})
const fileData = await fast.upload({resource: file})
const { url, file_name } = fileData[0]