
Upload a file from your Remix.js App

Install the Javascript SDK

npm install @uploadfast/client


import { ActionFunction, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { createClient } from '@uploadfast/client';
import { UPLOADFAST_API_KEY } from "~/config";

export const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {
  try {
    const formData = await request.formData();
    const file = formData.get('file');

    if (!file || typeof file !== 'object') {
      return json({ error: 'You must provide a file to upload' }, { status: 400 });

    const fast = createClient({ apiKey: UPLOADFAST_API_KEY });
    const fileData = await fast.upload(file);
    const { url, file_name } = fileData[0];

    // Store meta data in your database

    return json({ url, file_name });
  } catch (error) {
    return json({ error: 'An error occurred while uploading the file' }, { status: 500 });


Your client code could look like this.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Form, useActionData } from "@remix-run/react";

export default function Home() {
  const [file, setFile] = useState<File | null>(null);
  const actionData = useActionData<{ url?: string; file_name?: string; error?: string }>();

  const handleFileChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
    setFile([0] || null);

  return (
      <h1>Upload a file</h1>
      <Form method="post" encType="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="file" onChange={handleFileChange} />
        <button type="submit">Upload</button>
      {actionData?.error && <p>Error: {actionData.error}</p>}
      {actionData?.url && actionData?.file_name && (
          <p>Uploaded file:</p>
          <p>URL: {actionData.url}</p>
          <p>Filename: {actionData.file_name}</p>